Legal warning Lobito de Mar | Grupo Dani García

Legal warning

This legal notice regulates the use of the service of the website   that the company GRUPO DANI GARCIA, formed by:

  • RIMA GASTRONÓMICA S.L., (B93735702)

makes available to Internet users.


Telephone: +34 902 101 743

Address: Urb. Villa Parra Palomera nº60. 29602. Marbella. Málaga

This legal notice also includes personal data that may be collected and processed by the various channels of communication used by DANI GARCIA GROUP (, email, telephone and add any other means of communication if used). All notices and communications between users and DANI GARCÍA GROUP are considered to have been made, for all intents and purposes, when any of the means of communication indicated above are used.

The intellectual property rights of the website, its source code, design, navigation structure, databases and the various elements contained therein (images, files, logos and any other element susceptible to protection are owned by GRUPO DANI GARCIA to whom it corresponds) the exclusive exercise of the rights of exploitation of the same in any form and, especially, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation.

Reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, making available to the public and, in general, any other form of exploitation, partial or total of the elements referred to in the previous section are prohibited. These exploitation acts may only be carried out by virtue of the express authorization of GRUPO DANI GARCIA and, in any case, they must make explicit reference to the ownership of the aforementioned intellectual property rights of GRUPO DANI GARCIA

With respect to the quotations of products and services of third parties, the company recognizes the rights of industrial and intellectual property in favor of its owners, not implying their mere mention or appearance on the Web the existence of rights or any responsibility of GRUPO DANI GARCIA over them, nor support, sponsorship or recommendation unless expressly stated.

The unauthorized use of the information contained in the Web as well as the infringement of the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights of GRUPO DANI GARCIA will give rise to the legally established responsibilities.


This website contains materials prepared by GRUPO DANI GARCIA for information or guidance, and may be modified, developed or updated without prior notice.

The inserted documentation may not reflect the most current legislative or jurisprudential status. GRUPO DANI GARCIA is not responsible for any errors, variations or omissions that may be assessed, as well as the use of these documents. We advise you to consult the bulletins or official journals, as well as the informative sources from which the news has been obtained.

The links contained in this web page may lead the user to other websites and web pages of third parties over which GRUPO DANI GARCIA does not exercise any type of control nor is responsible for the contents and status of the link websites.

GRUPO DANI GARCIA does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements that could cause damage or alterations in the computer system, so that it does not respond for the damages that these elements could cause to the user or third parties.

Any link of third parties to the Web must be to its main page, being expressly prohibited the “deep links”, the “framing” and any other use of the contents of the Web in favor of unauthorized third parties.


GRUPO DANI GARCÍA declares its respect and compliance with the provisions contained in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (RGPD), Law 3/2018 (LOPDGDD) and Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Commerce Electronic stating that all technical means have been established to avoid loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of documents containing personal data.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the user must be aware that security measures on the Internet are not impregnable and there may be leaks due to fraudulent acts by third parties. Likewise, we inform you that the information you provide through the website will be treated according to the register of activities of personal data processing owned by GRUPO DANI GARCÍA and that will be under the responsibility of the company. These data will be treated confidentially and exclusively by GRUPO DANI GARCÍA

The data collection will be done by completing the forms of the different sections of the website. By clicking on the “send” button and accepting the legal notice of the corresponding form, the user consents and accepts that their data become part of the company’s database, are treated according to the records of treatment activities and are used for commercial purposes and for sending information.

Likewise, and unless otherwise indicated, the answers to questions of a personal nature in the different forms are voluntary, without the lack of answering said questions supposing a decrease in the services requested. The lack of completion of the fields determined as mandatory or the provision of incorrect data will prevent GRUPO DANI GARCÍA from providing the required services.

Likewise, you are informed that if you receive an email, and any attached files, it may contain confidential information aimed solely for the intended recipient(s). It is expressly prohibited to disseminate, copy or distribute any such information without prior written authorisation from DANI GARCÍA GROUP. If you receive any such email in error, please report this immediately by forwarding the email to

We inform you of the possibility of exercising the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, forgetting, limitation and portability of your personal data, by sending an email to the address  under the terms established in the legislation valid.