Laughter therapy as a way of life | Grupo Dani García

Laughter therapy as a way of life

As a concept, you might not find laughter therapy in any official reference book, but a bit of laughter-based self-care can have an amazing effect on our emotional and psychological wellbeing.

More and more businesses are using therapies of this kind as a way to switch off from the daily grind before returning to work with a sense of renewed energy. Laughter is a natural, involuntary response to a particular situation. It’s a symbol of joy, but it is also has a hugely positive impact on our health. Laughter helps eliminate stress and alleviate depression, raising our confidence and self-esteem.

At BiBo we’d love you to experience a little laughter therapy with us at two unique Middays on 4 and 5 March, with a very international menu that you can enjoy with family and friends at a special, unique price.

Come and join us for a hearty celebration of life and laughter.

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