Every day we worry about getting to everything. To have the maximum amount of time in the world to enjoy what we want and what we have around us. But really, what is time? Do we live in a world with enough time to get to everything we set out to? Or… do we set out to do more than we have time for?

The RAE defines it as a noun: “A physical magnitude that allows us to order a sequence of events, establishing a past, a present and a future, and whose unit in the international system is the second”. Does our time really allow us to put everything in order?
The answer can vary and has different connotations. It depends on the moment we are in and the value we want to give it. But the truth is that we want to do more than what our day physically allows us to do. And do we ever stop to think about how much time we waste by wasting time?
Successful films that make reference to this physical magnitude
The seventh art has brought numerous films that have “time” as their main theme to the big screens. Many of them make us think about time and how we spend our days.

Therefore, we cannot forget to dedicate some of our time to watch “The Tree of Life“, “In Time“, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button“, “Adaline’s Secret” or “Groundhog Day“. Spend some of our time watching what time is like.
The Time of El Coleccionista
Based on relics of Barbadillo Amontillado 150 years old, Cinzano Antica formula from the 30’s and Bitter de Angostura from 1920 we will have a slightly sweet start with a lot of sapidity in this short drink.

This is how we enjoy “Tiempo” at El Coleccionista. Inspired by a walk-through time, we fell in love with this unique cocktail loaded with sensations that can only be defined as time.
And after this reflection of time and life out loud… How do you want to spend your time?