The festival of San Juan is one of the most popular celebrations in Spain and is held on the night of 23rd to 24th June. This date marks the summer solstice and the beginning of the summer season.
On this magical night, the cities and towns of Spain are filled with bonfires and people celebrating around them. The tradition of lighting bonfires on the night of San Juan has its origins in ancient times, when it was believed that fire had a purifying power and that by jumping over the flames one could eliminate negative energies and start the summer on the right foot.
In some areas of Spain, such as Valencia and Alicante, the festival of the Bonfires of San Juan is celebrated, where huge wooden and papier-mâché structures are erected and burnt on the night of 24 June, known as the “Nit de la Cremà” (Night of the Cremation). It is an extremely popular festival in which the inhabitants organise themselves into commissions to build and decorate these huge structures, which usually represent satirical figures or current events.

Another widespread tradition on the night of San Juan is that of bathing in the sea or in nearby rivers and springs. It is said that the water on the night of San Juan has healing properties and can purify the body and soul.
In some regions of Spain, such as Galicia, the “Noite da Queima” is also celebrated, with the burning of rag dolls representing popular characters and the setting off fireworks.
In short, the festival of San Juan is one of the most important celebrations in Spain, full of local traditions and with strong popular roots. The night of 23rd to 24th June becomes a magical night full of magic, in which fire and water are the protagonists and in which people celebrate the beginning of summer with joy and hope.
Happy anniversary BiBo Tarifa
From 2019 the nights of San Juan of Dani García Group are much more special since the arrival of BiBo Tarifa. Its opening was on the most magical night of the year. Next to Valdevaqueros beach, we enjoyed one more year the best atmosphere, gastronomy and landscape of Tarifa.
Happy birthday tarifeños!