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For lovers of Spanish gastronomy and culture, Cinco Jotas offers a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the art of acorn-fed Iberian ham with its upcoming workshops. These exclusive experiences will take place on 30 May at 19:30 in Tragabuches Marbella and on 6 June at 20:00 in Tragabuches Madrid. These events promise to be a celebration of flavour, tradition and learning, led by experts in the field.

The magic of Cinco Jotas

Cinco Jotas is synonymous with quality and tradition in the world of Iberian ham. With more than 140 years of history, this brand has established itself as a world reference thanks to its commitment to excellence and respect for artisan methods. Cinco Jotas acorn-fed Iberian ham is the result of meticulous breeding, in which pure-bred Iberian pigs are fed on acorns and natural pasture in the pasture, which gives rise to its unique and incomparable flavour.

What Can You Expect from the Workshops?

Cinco Jotas workshops are not just a tasting, but a complete immersion in the world of Iberian ham. Here is a sneak preview of what you will experience:

History and Tradition: Learn about the rich history of Cinco Jotas and Iberian ham. Discover how traditional methods have been preserved and perfected over the years to guarantee a product of the highest quality.

Guided Tasting: Take part in a tasting led by experts. You will be able to taste different cuts of ham and learn to identify the characteristics that make Cinco Jotas a unique ham. From aroma to texture and flavour, each aspect will be explained in detail.

Cutting Techniques: Cutting ham is an art in itself. During the workshop, there will be knife cutting demonstrations, and participants will have the opportunity to practice under the supervision of a master slicer. You will learn how to obtain the best slices to fully appreciate the flavour and texture of the ham.

Perfect Pairing: Discover how to pair Iberian ham with other gourmet products and select wines. This section of the workshop will teach you how to enhance the flavours of ham with exquisite combinations that will delight your palate.

The spot

Tragabuches Marbella and Tragabuches Madrid are the perfect setting for these events. Both restaurants are renowned for their traditional gastronomy and cosy atmosphere, ideal to enjoy an unforgettable experience.

  • Tragabuches Marbella: Located in one of the most exclusive areas of the city, this restaurant combines traditional Andalusian cuisine with a modern twist. The workshop in Marbella will be on 30 May at 19:30.
  • Tragabuches Madrid: Located in the heart of the capital, this place is known for its tradition and dedication to quality products. The date in Madrid is 6 June at 20:00.

The Cinco Jotas workshops at Tragabuches Marbella and Madrid are the perfect opportunity for foodies to discover the secrets of Iberian acorn-fed ham. Not only will you enjoy an exceptional tasting, but you will also learn techniques and knowledge that will enrich your appreciation of this Spanish delicacy. Book your place and get ready for a night full of flavour and tradition – we’re waiting for you!

May 6th marked a culinary milestone in Smoked Room’s vibrant gastronomic scene, which achieved two Michelin Stars in just six months. This seasonally changing and evolving proposal had the honour of welcoming acclaimed Swedish chef, Niklas Ekstedt, for a unique event: A 4 Manos. A day that fused Ekstedt’s mastery of Smoked Room with the talent of the kitchen team, promising a gastronomic experience like no other.

From the moment you walked through the doors, the aroma of the smoky kitchen enveloped you, anticipating what was to come, the creations that Ekstedt and the Smoked Room team had so painstakingly prepared.


The menu was a fusion of flavours and techniques, designed for the most discerning palates. Dishes such as Flambadou oyster, citrus tomato dashi beef fat and beurre bloc to cold smoked reindeer, morels and wild garlic leaves to Aburi mackerel. Each dish was a masterpiece of impeccable presentation and harmoniously balanced flavours.

Smoked Room, an exclusive concept, with space for 14 diners, dedicated to embers and smoke inspired by the Japanese way of understanding a dining room, allowed not only for an exceptional gastronomic evening, but also in the shared experience.

Ekstedt’s passion and commitment to cooking was reflected in every dish, while the Smoked Room team worked in perfect harmony to ensure that every detail was carefully executed. Guests were able to enjoy fine dining, creating experiences.

All in all, it was an unforgettable day, where the senses melted with the smoke.

Reviving the seafaring tradition! El Ronqueo with Dani García in Lobito de Mar

On the 19th of April, our chef, Dani García, brought a unique experience to Madrid. The first ”Ronqueo” of the season at Lobito de Mar LaFinca Grand Café. This event, not only offered a session on the cutting of tuna, but also celebrated the Spanish seafaring tradition in an exceptional way.

”Ronqueo” is a traditional Spanish art that consists of cutting up a tuna, showing the skill and dexterity necessary to treat this magnificent fish. During this event, Dani García guided the attendees through the cutting process. From the selection of the fresh tuna to the necessary steps to take advantage of each part of the fish.

Dani García explained the importance of working with fresh and local products, highlighting the relationship between the sea and the table in the Spanish culinary culture.

Lobito de Mar, best known for its tuna carpaccio, offered a cocktail after the “ronqueo” where tuna was the protagonist. Diners enjoyed delicacies from the sea prepared by the kitchen team, highlighting authentic and creative flavours that capture the essence of the coast.

Madrid’s Finca Gran Café provided the perfect setting for this unique experience. With its modern elegance and focus on haute cuisine, the restaurant served as the ideal setting for this celebration of contemporary Spanish cuisine.

In short, the ”ronqueo” event with Dani García at Lobito de Mar was much more than a culinary demonstration; it was a tribute to Spain’s seafaring heritage and passion for gastronomy.

Dani García arrives in collaboration with Gadira, the leading brand in the commercialisation of wild bluefin tuna in Tarifa, Zahara and Conil de la Frontera.

The chef from Málaga is launching the season for another year under the concept “The Art of Tuna”.

On 19 April Lobito de Mar, located in the exclusive shopping centre LaFinca Grand Café, hosted the first tuna ronqueo of the season. BiBo Beach House, in Tarifa, will celebrate it on 9 May.

Dani García has designed different dishes for the occasion, which will be available from 18 April until 31 May at Lobito de Mar.

Each piece of Almadraba tuna tells a story of dedication and passion for the sea. Fished using the traditional Almadraba technique, this product is a culinary delight that forms part of the gastronomic tradition of the Andalusian coast.

The ”ronqueo”

The firts ”ronqueo” of the season, toke place the 19th April, Lobito de Mar La Finca Grand Café, immersed in the lake that surrounds the shopping centre.

In addition, this restaurant will offer a special menu that has been designed by the Marbella chef exclusively for the occasion.

Dishes such as tuna carpaccio, tuna tartar, sea cucumber or rice with T-bone, the chef from Marbella offers an exclusive proposal in the middle of the almadraba season.

It will be available from the 18th of April until the 31st of May at Lobito de Mar in Marbella and at its branches in Madrid, on Calle Jorge Juan and at La Finca.

In addition, on the idyllic beach of Valdevaqueros, BiBo Beach House will hold the second “ronqueo” of the season on the 9th of May. An experience with which to discover the tradition of the southern coasts and respect for the product.

Once again this year, the Dani García Group pays a very special tribute to its land, to the good product and to this delicacy from the Cadiz coasts.

That is so highly prized throughout the country under the concept “The Art of Tuna”.