Tragabuches | Grupo Dani Garcia Tragabuches | Grupo Dani Garcia

Potato Day is celebrated on 30 May, a worldwide recognition of this tuber that has been a fundamental element in the diet of various cultures throughout history. Originally from the Andes, the potato has conquered the world with its versatility and ability to adapt to countless recipes and culinary styles. In Spain, one of the most emblematic dishes made with potato is the potato omelette, a gastronomic gem that has as many versions as there are cooks.

Potato: universal ingredient

The potato is more than just a simple side dish on our tables. It is an ingredient that, in its simplicity, offers a blank canvas for culinary creativity. From purées and stews to salads and stir-fries, the potato adapts to all styles and tastes. Its ability to absorb flavours and its unique texture make it indispensable in the kitchen.

Tragabuches: Innovation and Tradition

Tragabuches, located in Marbella and in the heart of Madrid, is known for its innovative and respectful approach to traditional ingredients. With a philosophy that combines the authenticity of Andalusian cuisine with modern techniques. Potato, being such a fundamental ingredient, plays a prominent role in their menu.

The potato omelette is a dish that arouses passions and debates all over Spain. The question of whether it should have onion or not has divided food lovers for generations. However, everyone agrees that the key to a good omelette lies in the quality of its ingredients and the technique of its preparation.

Tortilla de Patata con Cebolla Trufada: A Jewel of a Truffled Onion Omelette

One of Tragabuches’ specialities is its exquisite potato omelette with truffled onion. This dish is a clear example of how a simple ingredient can be transformed into a gourmet experience.


Preparation of the Potatoes and Onions: Peel and cut the potatoes into thin slices and the onions into julienne strips. Fry together in plenty of olive oil over medium heat until tender and lightly browned.

Mix with the Eggs: Beat the eggs in a large bowl and add a pinch of salt. Drain the potatoes and onions and mix with the beaten eggs. Add a dash of truffle oil to intensify the flavour.

Cooking: Pour the mixture into a frying pan with a little hot oil and cook over medium heat until the omelette is set on one side. Turn with a plate and cook on the other side until golden brown and juicy on the inside.

Finishing touch: If desired, grate some fresh truffle over the omelette before serving to add a touch of luxury and aroma.

El Día de la Patata es una oportunidad para celebrar la importancia de este tubérculo en nuestra dieta y en la cultura gastronómica mundial. Desde las cocinas más humildes hasta los restaurantes de alta cocina como Tragabuches, la patata ha demostrado ser un ingrediente imprescindible. Así que, en este día, disfrutemos de la patata en todas sus formas y celebremos su capacidad para unir tradición y modernidad en la mesa.

Ya sea en una tortilla de patata con cebolla trufada o en cualquier otra receta, la patata nos recuerda que la simplicidad y la excelencia pueden ir de la mano, creando platos que nos reconfortan y nos sorprenden. ¡Feliz Día de la Patata!

For lovers of Spanish gastronomy and culture, Cinco Jotas offers a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the art of acorn-fed Iberian ham with its upcoming workshops. These exclusive experiences will take place on 30 May at 19:30 in Tragabuches Marbella and on 6 June at 20:00 in Tragabuches Madrid. These events promise to be a celebration of flavour, tradition and learning, led by experts in the field.

The magic of Cinco Jotas

Cinco Jotas is synonymous with quality and tradition in the world of Iberian ham. With more than 140 years of history, this brand has established itself as a world reference thanks to its commitment to excellence and respect for artisan methods. Cinco Jotas acorn-fed Iberian ham is the result of meticulous breeding, in which pure-bred Iberian pigs are fed on acorns and natural pasture in the pasture, which gives rise to its unique and incomparable flavour.

What Can You Expect from the Workshops?

Cinco Jotas workshops are not just a tasting, but a complete immersion in the world of Iberian ham. Here is a sneak preview of what you will experience:

History and Tradition: Learn about the rich history of Cinco Jotas and Iberian ham. Discover how traditional methods have been preserved and perfected over the years to guarantee a product of the highest quality.

Guided Tasting: Take part in a tasting led by experts. You will be able to taste different cuts of ham and learn to identify the characteristics that make Cinco Jotas a unique ham. From aroma to texture and flavour, each aspect will be explained in detail.

Cutting Techniques: Cutting ham is an art in itself. During the workshop, there will be knife cutting demonstrations, and participants will have the opportunity to practice under the supervision of a master slicer. You will learn how to obtain the best slices to fully appreciate the flavour and texture of the ham.

Perfect Pairing: Discover how to pair Iberian ham with other gourmet products and select wines. This section of the workshop will teach you how to enhance the flavours of ham with exquisite combinations that will delight your palate.

The spot

Tragabuches Marbella and Tragabuches Madrid are the perfect setting for these events. Both restaurants are renowned for their traditional gastronomy and cosy atmosphere, ideal to enjoy an unforgettable experience.

  • Tragabuches Marbella: Located in one of the most exclusive areas of the city, this restaurant combines traditional Andalusian cuisine with a modern twist. The workshop in Marbella will be on 30 May at 19:30.
  • Tragabuches Madrid: Located in the heart of the capital, this place is known for its tradition and dedication to quality products. The date in Madrid is 6 June at 20:00.

The Cinco Jotas workshops at Tragabuches Marbella and Madrid are the perfect opportunity for foodies to discover the secrets of Iberian acorn-fed ham. Not only will you enjoy an exceptional tasting, but you will also learn techniques and knowledge that will enrich your appreciation of this Spanish delicacy. Book your place and get ready for a night full of flavour and tradition – we’re waiting for you!

Located in the heart of Marbella and Madrid, Tragabuches is much more than a restaurant; it is a culinary experience that revolves around the Andalusian gastronomic tradition. With an innovative concept while committed to the local product, this fusion offers lunches that surprise both locals and visitors.

Tragabuches opens its doors from 9:00 am, to welcome you and make you enjoy a lunch full of authenticity and flavor. Its non-stop cooking philosophy ensures that there is always a tempting option available, whatever the time of day.

What makes lunches at Tragabuches so special is their focus on zero kilometer products. Andalusian cuisine prides itself on using fresh, local ingredients, and Tragabuches takes this tradition to the next level by working closely with local producers to source the freshest and highest quality ingredients.


The culinary experience at Tragabuches goes beyond the food. Andalusian hospitality combines to create a warm atmosphere where diners feel at home. Whether you’re enjoying a quick lunch between meetings or taking your time to savor each dish at your leisure, you’ll always feel welcome at Tragabuches.

Tragabuches’ menu will make you experience an explosion of typical flavors of the land. From gazpacho to exquisite tapas such as ensaladilla rusa and croquettes, each dish is carefully prepared to highlight local ingredients and celebrate the rich culinary diversity of the region.

Fish lovers will find a wide selection of fresh fish from Mediterranean waters. From sea bass to ventresca, each bite is an ode to the taste of the sea.

Tragabuches adapts to all tastes and palates, the most carnivores also have their place in our menu, from lamb to Iberian prey.

Besides, the carefully selected wine list offers the perfect pairing for each dish, with a variety of local and international options that perfectly complement the flavors of Andalusian cuisine.

Lunches at Tragabuches are much more than just a meal; they are a celebration of Andalusia’s rich gastronomic tradition and a tribute to local product. Children also have their space. Tragabuches and its playroom are the perfect place for the little ones to enjoy.

Live the Tragabuches experience and wrap yourself in an Andalusian atmosphere.

It commemorates the 1980 referendum in which the Andalusian people approved the autonomy process of Andalusia. Since then, this southern Spanish region celebrates its day with special events and activities.

The referendum on February 28, 1980, was a crucial step towards Andalusia’s autonomy. 99.02% of the voters approved the Andalusian Autonomy Statute, which came into force in 1982 and granted this community wide autonomy to manage its internal affairs in areas such as education, health, culture, and economy.

The Day of Andalusia is an occasion to celebrate the rich history, culture, and traditions of this region. Andalusians dress in traditional attire, fly the Andalusian flag, and participate in events such as concerts, parades, fairs, and flamenco shows. Additionally, educational activities are organized in schools to teach children about the history and significance of this holiday.

Andalusian gastronomy is also an important part of the celebration. Typical dishes like gazpacho, salmorejo, pescaíto frito, and jamón ibérico are served in many Andalusian restaurants and homes during the Day of Andalusia. Also, tapas contests and wine tastings are organized to promote regional cuisine.

The Day of Andalusia is an occasion for Andalusians to celebrate their cultural identity and autonomy. It is a day to remember and honor the struggle of past generations who worked hard to give Andalusia its own voice and decision-making ability in the political and administrative sphere.

Celebrate Andalusia Day at Tragabuches by Dani García.

Enjoying the holiday in Andalusia at Tragabuches by Dani García is an unparalleled experience. Its special tasting menu offers a selection of the region’s most emblematic dishes with Dani García’s essence, such as salmorejo, chivo, or cherry gazpacho, reinterpreted with the chef’s talent and creativity.

Diners can enjoy these Andalusian delights in a cozy and elegant atmosphere that blends tradition with innovation. A toast with Jerez wine or a cocktail with local flavors completes this unique gastronomic celebration in the heart of Marbella and Madrid, a place that pays homage to Andalusia’s rich culture and cuisine.