marjona, autor en Grupo Dani Garcia | Page 5 of 9 marjona, autor en Grupo Dani Garcia | Page 5 of 9

Summer is a great time to enjoy your free time and do a variety of fun and exciting things. Here are some ideas for activities you can do during this time of year.

A popular choice for many is going to the beach. You can spend the day in the sun, swim in the refreshing sea and relax on the sand. You can also take advantage of water sports such as surfing, paddleboarding or scuba diving, which will give you an extra dose of fun and adventure.

If you prefer a quieter atmosphere, you can organise a picnic in a nearby park or take a trip to the countryside. Enjoying the outdoors, hiking nature trails and taking in the beauty of nature can be a rejuvenating and relaxing experience.

Amusement parks are another great attraction during the summer. These places offer thrills and entertainment for people of all ages. From roller coasters to water rides, theme parks have something for everyone. Be sure to check opening hours and pandemic restrictions before visiting.

If you love music, summer is also the perfect time to attend outdoor festivals and concerts. From local band concerts to internationally renowned festivals, there’s a wide variety of music events to enjoy. You can spend the day listening to live music, discovering new artists and enjoying the vibrant festival atmosphere.

In addition to these activities, summer is also a good time to explore new places. You can take short trips to nearby cities, visit historical sites, immerse yourself in different cultures and try the local cuisine. Exploring new destinations gives you the opportunity to broaden your horizons and create lasting memories.

In short, summer offers a wide range of options to make the most of the season. Whether it’s relaxing on the beach, enjoying thrills at amusement parks or exploring new places, take advantage of this time to create memorable experiences and make the most of the great weather and summer fun.

Food, key to summer plans

Dani García’s restaurants are an excellent option for enjoying a delicious culinary experience during the summer. With locations in prime locations, they offer a welcoming and sophisticated atmosphere. Their menus are full of creativity and unique flavours, highlighting Mediterranean cuisine with innovative touches.

From refreshing and light dishes to more elaborate proposals, Dani García’s restaurants offer a variety of options to satisfy all palates. Enjoy fresh, quality ingredients in surprising combinations that will transport you to an unforgettable gastronomic journey in the middle of the summer season.

The festival of San Juan is one of the most popular celebrations in Spain and is held on the night of 23rd to 24th June. This date marks the summer solstice and the beginning of the summer season.

On this magical night, the cities and towns of Spain are filled with bonfires and people celebrating around them. The tradition of lighting bonfires on the night of San Juan has its origins in ancient times, when it was believed that fire had a purifying power and that by jumping over the flames one could eliminate negative energies and start the summer on the right foot.

In some areas of Spain, such as Valencia and Alicante, the festival of the Bonfires of San Juan is celebrated, where huge wooden and papier-mâché structures are erected and burnt on the night of 24 June, known as the “Nit de la Cremà” (Night of the Cremation). It is an extremely popular festival in which the inhabitants organise themselves into commissions to build and decorate these huge structures, which usually represent satirical figures or current events.

Another widespread tradition on the night of San Juan is that of bathing in the sea or in nearby rivers and springs. It is said that the water on the night of San Juan has healing properties and can purify the body and soul.

In some regions of Spain, such as Galicia, the “Noite da Queima” is also celebrated, with the burning of rag dolls representing popular characters and the setting off fireworks.

In short, the festival of San Juan is one of the most important celebrations in Spain, full of local traditions and with strong popular roots. The night of 23rd to 24th June becomes a magical night full of magic, in which fire and water are the protagonists and in which people celebrate the beginning of summer with joy and hope.

Happy anniversary BiBo Tarifa

From 2019 the nights of San Juan of Dani García Group are much more special since the arrival of BiBo Tarifa. Its opening was on the most magical night of the year. Next to Valdevaqueros beach, we enjoyed one more year the best atmosphere, gastronomy and landscape of Tarifa.

Happy birthday tarifeños!

El brunch es una comida que se ha popularizado en todo el mundo en los últimos años, pero su origen se remonta al siglo XIX en Inglaterra. Los domingos por la mañana, los cazadores británicos solían hacer una pausa en su actividad para disfrutar de un desayuno tardío, que combinaba platos dulces y salados. Con el tiempo, esta tradición se extendió a otros países y se convirtió en una comida típica de fin de semana.

En España, el brunch comenzó a popularizarse a finales del siglo XX, especialmente en las grandes ciudades como Madrid y Barcelona. En la capital española, el brunch se ha convertido en una opción cada vez más popular para los fines de semana, con numerosos restaurantes y cafeterías que ofrecen menús especiales para la ocasión.

En Madrid, hay una gran variedad de lugares para disfrutar de un buen brunch. Uno de los lugares más populares es el Mercado de San Miguel, donde se pueden encontrar numerosos puestos que ofrecen opciones dulces y saladas para todos los gustos. También hay cafeterías y restaurantes en los barrios de Malasaña, Chueca y La Latina, que ofrecen brunches especiales los fines de semana.

Después de disfrutar de un delicioso brunch en Madrid, hay muchas opciones para explorar la ciudad. Una opción es visitar el Parque del Retiro, un oasis verde en el centro de la ciudad que cuenta con hermosos jardines, estanques y monumentos históricos. También se puede visitar el Museo del Prado, uno de los museos de arte más importantes del mundo, que alberga obras de Velázquez, Goya, Rubens y muchos otros artistas de renombre.

Otras opciones incluyen explorar los barrios más emblemáticos de la ciudad, como el barrio de La Latina, que cuenta con numerosos bares y restaurantes tradicionales, o el barrio de Salamanca, conocido por sus tiendas de alta moda y sus elegantes restaurantes. En resumen, el brunch es una excelente manera de comenzar un fin de semana en Madrid, y hay muchas opciones para explorar y disfrutar en la ciudad después de la comida.

Brunch y Chandon Garden Spritz

Poder brindar como si estuvieses en Nueva York con las burbujas de Chandon Garden Spritz en el aperitivo es posible. El brunch de BiBo y Leña Madrid da esta opción en algunos fines de semana para hacerlo aún más especial. 

Con el menú de cada restaurante que incluye entrante, principal a elegir, poste y bebida, le acompañará una copa de este aperitivo que enamora a todo el mundo. 

Tarifa, a beautiful Cádiz town located on the southern coast of Spain, right on the southernmost point of the European continent. With a rich history, beautiful beaches, and delicious gastronomy, Tarifa is the perfect destination for those looking for an escape from the hustle and bustle of the city and the opportunity to immerse themselves in Andalusian culture.

One of Tarifa’s biggest attractions are its beaches, which are famous for their beauty and for being ideal for water sports such as kitesurfing and windsurfing. The beaches of Los Lances and Valdevaqueros are the most popular, while the small beach of Bolonia is famous for its impressive dunes and Roman archaeological site.

The town itself has a wealth of interesting places to visit, including its historic quarter which is full of narrow cobbled streets, historic buildings, and small craft shops. The Torre de Guzman, a 13th century fortification at the southern end of the town, which is also a must-see.

Tarifa’s gastronomy is a delicious blend of Mediterranean and Andalusian flavours, with dishes such as red Almadraba tuna, Tarifa cabbage, chicharrón de Cádiz and tortillitas de camarones (shrimp omelettes). In addition, the region’s wines are famous for their quality and unique flavour.

For those looking for outdoor activities in the vicinity of Tarifa, there are numerous options. For example, the Alcornocales Natural Park offers hiking trails and bird watching, while the Strait of Gibraltar is the ideal place to go whale watching and see whales and dolphins in their natural habitat.

BiBo Beach House, Dani García

Since 2019, Tarifa has the most coastal BiBo of all. Dani García’s beach restaurant with more rhythm brings the travelling cuisine to the beach of Valdevaqueros. A varied menu with his classics and top hits such as the oxtail brioche and the marinated whole fried sea bass. You can’t miss the “Nutella to Die For” and the delicious cocktails on the menu.

When lunch is over, the chill out area is the best complement to enjoy the most special afternoon. The most intimate and spectacular sunset in Tarifa is from BiBo with the sun falling over the dune of Valdevaqueros. 

In short, Tarifa is an ideal holiday destination for those looking for an authentic experience of Andalusian culture, beautiful beaches, delicious gastronomy, and outdoor activities. With so many interesting things to do and see, it is no wonder that Tarifa has become one of the most popular destinations on the southern coast of Spain.

If there is one thing that characterizes Italy worldwide, it is its gastronomy and its people’s passion for food. So much so that even the Italians have a saying that goes: “Mangiare per vivere e non vivere per mangiare”, in other words, you must eat to live, not live to eat. 

With this premise, Alelí, Dani García’s Italian-accented restaurant in marbella, hosted a new edition of the days that pay tribute to the gastronomy of the transalpine country with the help of the Marbella chef and other great prescribers of Italian cuisine. After the inauguration in February with Matías Perdomo, and again under the name “Dani García e Fratelli”, on 29 and 30 April they had the honors of having the chef of the three Michelin starred restaurant Da Vittorio

As Dani García proudly says: “To have one of the best restaurants in Italy in Marbella and in Alelí is a real pleasure. Also, to be able to make the Paccheri, so well-known in his restaurant, with Enrico, in my restaurant, was a pleasure and a delight for the guests”. Together with Enrico Cerea, Da Vittorio’s executive chef, he created a very homogeneous menu, interspersed with dishes from Alelí and the guest restaurant. A real festival of flavours that diners will never forget. 

This menu consisted of a torta croccante di tartufo as an aperitif, together with Aleli dishes such as vitello tonnato “al contrario” prepared especially for the occasion, as well as risotto al tartufo, porchetta di agnello and the traditional tiramisu. Da Vittorio cooked spaghetto di tono, plin carbonaro and the famous paccheri alla Vittorio. A spectacular menu that left no one indifferent.

The gastronomic proposal was accompanied by two unique pairing options: one Italian style and the other premium, by Dom Pérignon. The prestigious champagne accompanied the dinner in a special way, perfectly pairing each and every one of the dishes. 

Thus, “Dani García e Fratelli” is the result of the Marbella chef’s admiration for his counterparts in Italy, a reflection of the good work and passion for the traditional cuisine of the transalpine country. With Da Vittorio and his three stars, attendees witnessed a unique Alelí for two exclusive nights, featuring the best Italian produce and the technique of the greatest experts in this cuisine, all without leaving Marbella.

Bluefin tuna is one of the most highly prized fish due to its flavour and texture, and traditional fishing tecnique uded. The Almadraba technique is a tradition on the Andalusian coast.

The Almadraba is a traditional fishing technique used to catch enormous quantities of bluefin tuna on their annual migration through the Mediterranean Sea. This technique consists of placing a labyrinth-shaped net in the sea, where the tuna is trapped and hoisted aboard the boats.

The Almadraba fishing season is usually in Spring, and during this time the famous “Fiesta del Atún” is held in the Andalusian towns of Barbate, Conil, Tarifa and Zahara de los Atunes, where A tribute is paid to this highly prized product.

Bluefin tuna is considered a delicacy due to its flavour and texture and is highly prized by haute cuisine chefs. This delicacy can be enjoyed in many restaurants in the area, where traditional dishes such as the tuna tartar. You can also assist the culinary ritual of the “ronqueo” of the tuna, wich consists of the cutting up of the fish and separating its different sections.

In short, bluefin tuna caught using the traditional Almadraba technique is a culinary delight that forms part of the gastronomic tradition of the Andalusian coast. Its flavour and texture are unique, and it is highly appreciated by chefs and lovers of good food.

30 tuna for 30 days

In the Dani García Group we once again pay special tribute to tuna this year with the 30 tunas for 30 days. 

In the restaurants BiBo (Marbella, Madrid and Tarifa) and Lobito de Mar (Marbella and Madrid) there is a special tuna menu with exquisite dishes from the 2nd to 31st May. 

Tasting this delicacy is a delight for everyone. 

Ronqueo BiBo Tarifa 2023

After Dani Garcia’s success in the 2022 ronqueos, this year Tarifa will have this art on the shores of the Atlantic. On the 25th of May at 18:30h Gadira will conduct a ronqueo of a wild tuna in the restaurant’s chill out area.

When it is over, Dani García will do a show cooking with parts of the tuna that you can cook at home. 

End of the evening tasting the product in a tuna-based cocktail dinner will be the finishing touch to a unique and unforgettable evening.

One parcel, one wine, one ingredient. The cornerstone of Krug’s savoir-faire is individuality; the art of understanding that each plot, vinified individually, is in itself a unique ingredient in the creation of Krug Champagnes. That is why, each year, Maison Krug pays tribute to one ingredient and the pleasures it reveals when paired with a glass of Krug Grande Cuvée or Krug Rosé. The aim is to invite chefs from Krug Embassies around the world to explore the limitless potential of this single ingredient in an inspiring culinary adventure. 

For 2023, this Single Ingredient is the lemon, and to celebrate it has teamed up with chef Dani García’s new omakase bar concept, Kemuri, to offer an exclusive tasting menu with the best of the highest level Japanese cuisine and a high level liquid proposal. In this way, the Marbella chef has been challenged to create a proposal with lemon as the protagonist, a fruit chosen for its acidic character and electric energy, which brings tension and balance to the pairing of the two new editions Krug Grande Cuvée 171ème and Krug Rosé 27ème. 

Conceived as a tribute to one of the most fascinating cuisines in the world, Kemuri has recently reopened its doors with a proposal that maintains its original essence, but elevates it to the highest exponent. It is a place to savour millenary Japan without looking at the clock in search of Umami; the place of the izakaya, where you are invited to stay, and where you will find traditional Japanese cuisine combined with Mediterranean flavours. 

Using seasonal, high-quality products, the space offers a unique experience centred on the omakase or trust in the chef. Thus, in the main space there is a large bar, where the itamae or head chef forms part of the diner’s experience, who will place himself in the hands of the chef in order to be able to taste his proposal. A beautiful Japanese tradition that Dani García has wanted to maintain in Kemuri for the surprise and enjoyment for those who decide to trust him.

With a capacity for up to 14 people, it is the first restaurant concept that Dani García has dedicated to Japanese cuisine, paying homage to friends and colleagues such as chef Nobu Matsuhisa. In short, an exclusive space designed to offer a unique experience in an incomparable setting.

Andalusia is a region of Spain that stands out for its rich and varied gastronomy, based on local and high quality products. Some of the most typical products of the region include olive oil, wine, fresh fish and seafood, and of course, Iberian acorn-fed ham.

Iberian acorn-fed ham is an emblematic product of Andalusian gastronomy, obtained from pigs reared free-range in dehesas and fed exclusively on acorns. The result is a juicy and tasty meat, with a unique flavour and a texture that melts in your mouth. Iberian acorn-fed ham is considered one of the best hams in the world and is an essential ingredient in many Andalusian dishes, from the classic “ham dish” to ham omelette and salmorejo. At Tragabuches we have Cinco Jotas which makes our evenings a unique and enriching experience. 

In addition to ham, Andalusia has a wide variety of local “kilometre zero” products, i.e. products that are grown and produced in the region itself, without the need to import ingredients from other parts of the world. These products include extra virgin olive oil, artisan cheeses, cold meats and fresh fish, among others.

Olive oil is one of Andalusia’s most emblematic products and is produced throughout the region. Andalusian extra virgin olive oil is known for its fruity and mild flavour and is used in many dishes in Andalusian cuisine, from salads and gazpachos to stews and fried foods.

Artisan cheeses are also very popular in Andalusia, especially in the mountain areas. Among the most typical cheeses are goat’s, sheep’s and mixed cheeses. These cheeses are made in the traditional way and are characterised by their intense flavour and creamy texture.

Summing up, Andalusian gastronomy is one of the richest and most varied in Spain, thanks to the large number of high-quality local products produced in the region. From acorn-fed Iberian ham to extra virgin olive oil and artisan cheeses, Andalusian gastronomy is a real culinary treasure that is well worth discovering.

With the same majesty with which the strokes of the Asian brush are captured on paper in Shodō, also known as the ancient art of Japanese calligraphy, Kemuri arrived in Marbella last year thanks to Dani García to offer the purity of the gastronomy of the land of the rising sun in a unique setting.

Conceived as a tribute by the Marbella chef to one of the most fascinating cuisines in the world, it has recently reopened its doors with a proposal that maintains its original essence but elevated to its highest exponent. Thus, Kemuri is today a place to savor millenary Japan without looking at the clock in search of Umami; the place of the izakaya, where you are invited to stay, and where you will find traditional Japanese cuisine combined with Mediterranean flavours. 

Using seasonal, high-quality products, the space offers a unique experience based on the omakase or trust in the chef. Thus, in the main dining area, there is a bar for 14 people, where the itamae or head chef is part of the diner’s experience. You will place yourself in the hands of the chef in order to be able to enjoy his proposal. A beautiful Japanese tradition that Dani García has wanted to maintain in Kemuri for the surprise and enjoyment of those who decide to trust him.

The Kemuri experience is complemented and taken to the highest level with a very special liquid proposal featuring two unique pairing options: Nana and Juu. In addition, the sake menu stands out, consisting of a meticulous selection of approximately 40 different sakes selected by the Sake Sommelier, Dominik Ponomarew. A journey through the different Japanese styles and prefectures with bottles as unique as Niizawa’s SANKYO SUPER 7 2021, which happens to be one of the most outstanding in Andalusia. 

With a capacity for up to 14 people, this is the first restaurant concept that Dani García has dedicated to Japanese cuisine, paying homage to friends and colleagues such as chef Nobu Matsuhisa. Cutting it short, an exclusive space designed to offer a unique experience in an incomparable setting.

Kemuri thus joins the group of restaurants that the Grupo Dani García already has in his hometown, including Bibo, Leña and Alelí, its most recent opening with an Italian accent.

Paris is known as the City of Love, but there is much more to see and do than simply strolling through its romantic streets. The French capital is one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations, with a wide range of cultural, historical and gastronomic attractions.

One of the most iconic attractions in Paris is the Eiffel Tower, an iconic landmark that can be seen from almost anywhere in the city. The best way to see the Eiffel Tower is from the Trocadero esplanade, which offers stunning views of the tower and the Paris skyline.

Another must-see attraction is the Louvre Museum, one of the largest and most famous museums in the world. The museum houses over 35,000 works of art, including Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo. Also worth a visit is the Musée d’Orsay, is also worth a visit, it specialises in impressionist and post-impressionist art.

Napoleon courtyard of the Louvre museum at night time, with Ieoh Ming Pei’s pyramid in the middle.

Paris is also famous for its gastronomy, and there is a wide variety of options for food lovers. From the famous French croissants and baguettes to haute cuisine, Paris has something for every taste and budget.

A unique gastronomic experience in Paris is cheese and wine tasting. At any restaurant or cheese shop in the city, you can sample different types of French cheese, ranging from mild brie to strong Roquefort, accompanied with a glass of local wine.

There are also many food markets in the city, such as the Rue Mouffetard Market, where you can find fresh produce such as fruits, vegetables, meats and cheeses, as well as regional and local products.

In short, Paris is a city full of history, culture and gastronomy. From the Eiffel Tower to the Louvre Museum, there are many attractions to see and enjoy. And when it comes to food, the city offers a variety of options that will satisfy any palate.

La Chambre Bleue Dani García

It opened its doors almost a month ago. And since that day the Mediterranean and the chef’s cuisine has been very present in the city.

Its name refers to a painting by Pablo Picasso from Malaga. Its menu offers a little piece of the Costa del Sol through exquisite bites. A visit to the province of Malaga without leaving this luxury Parisian enclave.

All this and much more awaits you in Paris and at La Chambre Bleue Dani García.